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Intelligent Project of Xiaoshan Drainage Dispatching Center

Intelligent Project of Xiaoshan Drainage Dispatching Center

  • 分类:Company News
  • 作者:
  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2019-08-28
  • 访问量:9

【概要描述】Hangzhou Xiaoshan Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. was registered and established in 2002. It is mainly responsible for the operation of sewage pipelines, pumping stations and sewage treatment plants in the region. Construction of sewage pipelines and pumping stations funded by the Group. At present, the company is in the process of expanding the Qianjiang Water Treatment Plant. After the completion of the project, the total scale of sewage treatment in the region will reach 1.24 million tons per day, which will contribute more to the continuous improvement of the regional living environment.
Anda undertakes the intelligent project of Xiaoshan Drainage Dispatching Center.

Intelligent Project of Xiaoshan Drainage Dispatching Center

【概要描述】Hangzhou Xiaoshan Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. was registered and established in 2002. It is mainly responsible for the operation of sewage pipelines, pumping stations and sewage treatment plants in the region. Construction of sewage pipelines and pumping stations funded by the Group. At present, the company is in the process of expanding the Qianjiang Water Treatment Plant. After the completion of the project, the total scale of sewage treatment in the region will reach 1.24 million tons per day, which will contribute more to the continuous improvement of the regional living environment.
Anda undertakes the intelligent project of Xiaoshan Drainage Dispatching Center.

  • 分类:Company News
  • 作者:
  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2019-08-28
  • 访问量:9
Hangzhou Xiaoshan Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. was registered and established in 2002. It is mainly responsible for the operation of sewage pipelines, pumping stations and sewage treatment plants in the region. Construction of sewage pipelines and pumping stations funded by the Group. At present, the company is in the process of expanding the Qianjiang Water Treatment Plant. After the completion of the project, the total scale of sewage treatment in the region will reach 1.24 million tons per day, which will contribute more to the continuous improvement of the regional living environment.
Anda undertakes the intelligent project of Xiaoshan Drainage Dispatching Center.


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